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Line Eyestalk
Line Eyestalk are an unusual entity. They are basically an arm that morphs out the walls which have a huge eye on the end. They search out problems in the conduit lines. As a Golgesh construct, they are armed with sharp, horn-like eye lashes that drip venom.
Class:Beast Level:288
Attack:554 - 582 Defense:583 - 603
Armor:467 - 495 Damage:312 - 340
HP:949 - 971 Damage Type:
XP:701 - 747 Credits:147 - 153
Piercing Strike:3% - 4%
Multi-Layered Armor:1% - 1%
Critical Hit:1% - 2%
1% - 2%
1% - 1%
1% - 2%
2% - 3%
1% - 1%
1% - 1%
Item Drops
Golgesh Venom Capsule
Gurcham Weapon Add On
Kains Venomous Lowgok
Severed Eyestalk
Tormic Body Armor
Spawning Information
Rah Kain (Line):100%

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