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Kain Sentry Beast
Kain Sentry Beasts are created as punishments for criminals within the Golgesh Dominion. Changed beyond recognition by the Golgesh DNA tampering process, these criminals can now serve the Dominion faithfully although they do become mindless bio-beasts that prowl the entrance of Rah Kain.
Class:Beast Level:292
Attack:577 - 603 Defense:560 - 582
Armor:501 - 531 Damage:352 - 374
HP:914 - 940 Damage Type:
XP:732 - 736 Credits:147 - 153
Piercing Strike:3% - 4%
Multi-Layered Armor:1% - 2%
Critical Hit:1% - 2%
1% - 2%
1% - 2%
1% - 2%
1% - 1%
1% - 1%
1% - 1%
1% - 1%
Item Drops
Golgesh Venom Capsule
Rulsin Weapon Add On
Sentry Beast Carcass
Spawning Information
Rah Kain (Root):100%

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