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Ganth Stinger
This is the first offensive wave of the massive Golgesh Mega Ganth. This biological nightmare has produced a vicious winged beast that hunts down any heat source and attacks it with thoughtless abandon. Its uses standard Golgesh Venom, but the stinger can pierce most armour plating. Shooting the Stinger before it gets to your best option.
Class:Insect Level:314
Attack:535 - 559 Defense:523 - 549
Armor:609 - 631 Damage:426 - 454
HP:1030 - 1058 Damage Type:
XP:731 - 847 Credits:147 - 153
Piercing Strike:1% - 2%
Multi-Layered Armor:4% - 5%
2% - 3%
1% - 1%
1% - 2%
1% - 2%
1% - 1%
1% - 1%
Item Drops
Golgesh Venom Capsule
Kain Stinger Signature
Kain Stinger Tail
Karn Body Armnor
Spawning Information
Kain Salt Run (Plain):100%

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