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Golgesh Drudge
The Drudge beasts move listlessly over the slime covered Nargith in search of the wandering Ithkaar plants. They drain an emerald coloured fluid from them and feed it to the fleshy pods that litter this area. They do their duty with no haste or apparent awareness of time, though they do react violently when encouraged to work at a faster pace. The Golgesh seem to have given up on trying get the Drudge move faster.
Class:Beast Level:433
Attack:721 - 743 Defense:804 - 830
Armor:812 - 832 Damage:397 - 423
HP:1582 - 1610 Damage Type:
XP:1027 - 1147 Credits:147 - 153
Multi-Layered Armor:5% - 6%
Critical Hit:1% - 2%
1% - 3%
1% - 1%
1% - 2%
1% - 2%
1% - 1%
1% - 1%
Item Drops
Drudge Remains
Golgesh Venom Capsule
Ronta Helmet Add On
Spawning Information
Nargith Plain (Pod):100%

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