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The Plant labeled only as Caryongios is from an unknown alien planet. This Plant can move itself using strong mobile roots and vine-like arms and is extremely carnivorous, eating all it can catch in its vines. The Caryongios escaped from its palladium enclosure due to the lack food as the crew succumbed to the infection and neglected the plants.
Class:Plant Level:88
Attack:81 - 109 Defense:199 - 223
Armor:224 - 254 Damage:88 - 108
HP:254 - 276 Damage Type:
XP:215 - 233 Credits:63 - 69
Piercing Strike:3% - 4%
Multi-Layered Armor:2% - 2%
1% - 2%
3% - 4%
1% - 2%
Item Drops
Caryongios Head
Di Garron Leg Armor
Force Cudgel
Marjik Helmet
Spawning Information
OS 1313 (Bio Lab):86%
OS 1313 (Research Module):14%

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