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Ash Todanar
The Ash Todanar is a giant type of worm that burrows deep in the ground, moving through their tunnels using sharp bristles that help them move. They hunt by sense of vibration and have no eyes. Witnesses have reported seeing Ash Todanars devour people whole and one report states that a huge Ash Todanar swallowed an entire APC tank whole.
Class:Beast Level:96
Attack:200 - 208 Defense:179 - 182
Armor:322 - 340 Damage:89 - 91
HP:297 - 302 Damage Type:
XP:241 - 247 Credits:69 - 69
Piercing Strike:2% - 3%
Critical Hit:2% - 3%
1% - 2%
3% - 4%
1% - 2%
Item Drops
Apanstra Body Armor
Karah Helm
Magma Spewer
Spawning Information
Snabith Clan Lands (Range):92%
Veron Vale (Gate):8%

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