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Veron Deacon
The Veron cults Deacons form the council for Hephtus the leader of the cult. The Deacons spread the religious word to mutant communities gathering supporters as they travel. They are also part of the more sinister plot to capture what the cult considers pure humans. These humans will then be sacrificed by Hephtus himself upon the cults sacred Altar, in the belief that their souls will have a part to play in the cleansing of their mutant blight.
Class:Mutant Level:100
Attack:226 - 231 Defense:180 - 184
Armor:300 - 355 Damage:94 - 95
HP:279 - 288 Damage Type:
XP:251 - 257 Credits:72 - 72
Critical Hit:5% - 6%
1% - 2%
3% - 4%
1% - 1%
1% - 1%
Item Drops
Derkat Helmet Add On
Dita Leg Armor
Inkari LT Plasma Caster
Jasimak Weapon Add On
Kazcor Edge
Keir Helmet
Merald Body Armor
Relthan Laser Pistol
Tri Alloy Spear
Spawning Information
Veron Vale (Sanctum):91%
Veron Vale (Altar of Souls):9%

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