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Seeker Verge
Nanites have created an amalgamation of downed Accord and Rebellion recon fliers, and formed a Seeker Verge. Its intelligence gathering equipment is intact and in perfect working order. It can find and target any threat on the Eastern Flank. Unfortunately, the Nanites have replaced the camera with a tactical mini rocket. So when the Seeker thinks it takes a picture, it actually sends a volley of heat seeking micro missiles with the accuracy of spy satellite. One had better watch the skies when walking this area.
Class:Robotic Level:330
Attack:570 - 594 Defense:553 - 573
Armor:644 - 668 Damage:378 - 406
HP:1142 - 1168 Damage Type:
XP:827 - 831 Credits:147 - 153
Piercing Strike:2% - 3%
Multi-Layered Armor:2% - 3%
Critical Hit:1% - 2%
2% - 3%
2% - 3%
1% - 1%
1% - 1%
1% - 2%
Item Drops
Rorlin Greatsword
Seeker Emitter Rack
Seeker Movement Detector
Seeker Verge Wreckage
Vinkalla Weapon Add On
Spawning Information
The Circle (East Flank):100%

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