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Gintara Slavers
The Dominion has limited diplomatic skills. If you do not yield to them, they either enslave, absorb or eradicate depending on the quality of the DNA signatures of the indigenous species. The Gintara Cast are expert in keeping a large population under control when awaiting the decision of the Upper Casts on what to do with a defeated group. They are not known for their mercy, but the clinical logic cannot be argued with. It is best not to fall into their hands.
Class:Reptile Level:332
Attack:660 - 690 Defense:554 - 582
Armor:613 - 643 Damage:420 - 448
HP:1049 - 1077 Damage Type:
XP:776 - 892 Credits:147 - 153
Piercing Strike:5% - 6%
Critical Hit:1% - 2%
1% - 1%
1% - 2%
1% - 1%
1% - 1%
1% - 2%
2% - 3%
Item Drops
Gintara Agent Bag
Gintara Corpse
Gintara Key Glob
Golgesh Venom Capsule
Versal Weapon Add On
Spawning Information
The Circle (Warren):100%

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