Mission Guide

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In Search of the Source
Stage 1
Location:Kain Salt Run (Straight) (9, 15)
In the pale sands of the Straight you meet a Genshaar Hunter, he waves you over.
The Hunter lowers his rifle, 'I greet you G27, your name is written in Blood. I have been sent out to find you. The Elders have tasked me to thank you for the warning you gave the tribe of the looming danger that threatens to swallow us whole. As you advised a messenger was sent to Stormpost and we have now formed a strong bond. We actually make a formidable alliance, with their thinking and our strength we have pushed the Golgesh out Stormpost. But they still swarm the walls. I suspect this will take some time and many tales will be spun.'

He reloads his rifle and scans the sands around him, 'This is a dangerous place, even by our standards. But I suspect you shall taste that more than I. My task was two fold, I was to find out what could be done about the crawling horror, and give you a Mission from Stormpost Tower. I see that the first part of my task is done. The Horror has been devoured from the inside out. I suspect your hand in this and I honor you. But Stormpost has a problem, the Ganth was far too big not to be seen walking across the Salt Run. They say, it must come from a secondary camp of Rah Kain. We have walked all our lands and found nothing. There is just one area we have not been. The Circle of Torment.'

'It is a cursed land, Silver Men and twisted machines fight an eternal battle there. All who enter the Circle get caught up in the Torment and if they return at all, it is never whole. The savagery of the fighting is inhuman, but it is the only place where we fear to go. Stormpost asks that you search the Circle of Torment for the Golgesh Camp. I council you my friend, refuse this. The Torment is a living hell of machines that cannot be killed.'

The Hunter then takes out a Comms Unit from his backpack, 'I have to verify your success with the Mega Ganth. But we rarely come this far from our caverns. May I ask you to get something for us. The Saltfang is an Entity of strange biology. Its blood is toxic in a manner that boggles the mind. I suspect that the Golgesh living weaponry will not react well to it.' He hands you a Blueprint, 'Will you get us a Saltfang Quart. I'm sure the Stormpost boffins can synthesize it into some sort of weapon.'

You receive 1 x Saltfang Quart Blueprint

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