Mission Guide

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Perimeter Secured
Stage 1
Location:OS 1313 (Barracks) (6, 12)
The Barracks are full of moaning Soldiers. They are attacking you and each other indiscriminately. You are finding it impossible to move through area due to the raging conflict. The strangest thing about the fight is that the fallen seem to get right back up after a few minutes, their wounds don't seem to effect them at all. You then spot a corpse that does not seem to rise back up.
The corpse of the Strike Leader is beginning to rot, you have to take a deep breath to be able to go through his pockets. Eventually you find a Data Pad. Reading it you discover the Mission Orders for the Strike Force. The orders are written in three sections, the First Section of the data file is corrupted making it unreadable. The Second shows that the Station must be boarded, the Barracks taken and a perimeter set up to form a Base Camp. It looks like this was never accomplished and the Soldiers are trying to fulfill their Mission orders. But they can no longer distinguish who is the enemy.

Each Platoon of the Strike force has a Squad Leader, the Platoon is to give the perimeter secure Status Code to the Platoon Leader when they have established the perimeter. It looks like the Squad Leaders never received their Status Codes so haven't given the Order to the Strike Force to stand down.

The Data Pad lists the three Blueprints for the respective Status Codes. You will need to find Squad Leader Alpha and hand him the Status Code Alpha.'

You receive 1 x Status Code Alpha Blueprint

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