Mission Guide

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An Honest Trade
Stage 1
Location:Snabith Clan Lands (Plain) (11, 3)
An ash storm is brewing, you can see the thunderheads looming in the distance. You grit your teeth against the thought of being caught in the open, shelter is now your top priority. In the distance you see a man carrying a large staff walking towards you. You are surprised when he greets you.
He shakes your hand warmly, 'Good to see you again. The Shard Gem I got from Luxer Thaxus worked a treat.' You suddenly recognize the Purist Lord you met on Amethyst Pinnacle, you smile. 'Well, well pleasantries over. There is a storm coming we need to find shelter and quickly. Unfortunately these Snabith Clansman live in this hard land, they have a hard attitude. If you can't provide for yourself you cannot stay with the Clan'.

'I can see the logic here, but when they are the only people with shelter in the area and a storm is on it's way � well we need to address the issue rather quickly. Take this Filling Stew Blueprint and meet me at the Snabith Camp, its located just east of here.'

You recieve 1 x Filling Stew Blueprint

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