Mission Guide

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Unit Expectations
Stage 1
Location:Karano (Growth Vats) (10, 6)
The Growth Vats is an eerie place, you see embryonic Units suspended in glass containers. Bubbles ripple over the surface oxygenating the fluid the young Units are suspended allowing them to breath. It is odd for you knowing that you were manufactured in exactly the same way. Eventually you come across a computer console. The words 'Quality Control' are written in large white letters across the top of the monitor.
Words stream across the screen. After a loud bleep, a pop up window appears. The message 'Enter Password' hovers of a text field. Irritated, you type 'you phale' and smash the enter button. The screen goes black, then another window opens with a computer generated face of a woman floating in the middle. She frowns at you, 'If you do not input a correct password I shall call security.' Smugly you wave the X5b Iris Scan in front of her. Her eyes widen. 'I see you have a Security document. Is that for me?' You explain that there seems to be an issue with the X5b and Security wants Quality Control to look at the preliminary scans to see if everything is all right.

You then show her the Oasis Base Profile.

'Hmmm, those files look to be in a raw state. I need to to compile a System Quality Report for my system to be able to understand the data. Please take this System Quality Report Blueprint. Return when you have compiled it.'

You receive 1 x System Quality Report Blueprint

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