Mission Guide

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Broken Soldiers
Stage 1
Location:Ashstorm CZ (Terrace) (16, 15)
LaReina talks into a Battlefield Communicator. She seems to becoming increasingly frustrated with her apparent failure to get a reply. She shuts off the Communicator, 'It's customary Captain, to salute you superior officer.' You meet her gaze squarely and a commonly used gesticulation flashes through your mind. LaReina frowns at you, then turns away. 'I think Unit, it'll be best if we keep our relationship on an informal footing... As much as possible.' She talks briskly into the Communicator again.
You feel a little ashamed of your behavior. LaReina is only acting as a normal TIU Officer. You rummage in your backpack and hand over the small bag she gave you in the Trenches. You don't want her to be mad at you. You have plenty of enemies, but few friends. She turns off the communicator and takes the bag, 'Excellent, I had forgotten about that. Thank you.' LaReina takes the bag and for an instant you see surprise flash across her face.

'We have a problem here Unit. We sent out an prototype squad into this area to keep the Shard from getting a foothold here. But we lost contact with them and the Vor Tanks seem to have control. Can you try to find out what happened to the Skirmish Squad. Report back to me when you discover something.'

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