Mission Guide

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Shatter the Shard
Stage 1
Location:Ashstorm ToO (North Edge) (8, 15)
The North Edge is a wide plateau that sits above the hills. Steep cliffs fall away on every side to the blasted land below. It looks oddly artificial, but you instantly forget that when you find a TIU Trooper bleeding out.
Deep gashes are ripped across his body armor. You search through your backpack for a Medpack but the trooper grabs your arm, 'Don't worry about that. I'm too far gone to be helped by Medpacks.' A rattling cough rips through his body. You stare down at him helpless until he regains himself again. 'The Trigonal must be destroyed. The B2269s are like sitting ducks to them. But Central Command wants to test out a new weapon against the Shard. They see this as an ideal opportunity. Here, take my Datapad, it will explain my Mission... sorry but I must rest.'

The trooper quickly falls into unconsciousness. He will not last long. You open the Datapad and find the Recon Mission quickly. There are four locations marked on the satellite scan. The Mission directives state that Ultra High Frequency Pulastors must be built at the marked locations. These Pulsators come in two parts. A Shard Crystal must be inserted into the Pulsator Stands. The Stands scan the Crystal, then transmit an energy Pulse at the crystals Resonant Threshold. This will shatter all crystalline structures of that type in the area. You see that the four Pulsator Stands have been placed already, they only require the Shard Crystals to complete the weapon.

After searching through the Mission files you find a theoretical schematic for a Trigonal Crystal. You should compile a Trigonal Crystal and place it in the Pulsator Stand located at North Edge 2,16.

You receive 1 x Trigonal Crystal Blueprint

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