Mission Guide

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Explosive Anger
Stage 1
Location:TIU Vanguard (L2 Missile Storage) (15, 3)
The Vanguard Tech cowers behind some large barrels in a dark corner of the Missile Storage. He waves you over silently. 'You still got the Datacube?'
He nods slowly, 'Good, I was worried that you would get caught.' He gives it back to you, 'You have got to get me out of here. Those Missile Control idiots are trying to kill me. They think I'm here to blow up the Vanguard. Why on earth would I do that when I'm on it! Thankfully the internal communications net has been severed. Probably a precaution against insurgents but nobody knows I'm here apart from those suited morons. Destroy 160 Vanguard MCO. That will get rid of the squad that is hunting me.'

You receive 1 x Black Datacube

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